The road to Motherhood…

the struggles i'm facing… the chances i'm taking… sometimes might knock me down… But no, I'm not breaking…

Archive for Endometrium Cancer

baby, it ain’t over yet….

Well yeap…. another treatment has already waiting for me the minute i recovered from my Laparoscopy surgery. Seminggu sesudah laparoskopi, aku dateng kontrol ke dokter lagi. Perban dibuka dan luka udah kering and everything looks good, except the alergic caused by the waterproof bandage on some of my stomache skin. Pak dokter udah menerangkan semuanya, dan that’s it… my last medication that i needed to have is just Tapros injection.. then i should be good to go… freeeeee from any medication for at least the next 3 months.. Suntikan Tapros bakalan men-shut down urusan perhormonan selama 3 bulan kedepan, yang diharapkan membuat endometriosis tak akan kembali lagi… than after 3 months, bisa mulai program lagi.. and the very very good news..the doctor said we can try to concieve naturally!!! huraaayy!! 😉

Then, the bad news came in only after few hours i’ve celebrated my freedom from meds.. Apparently the pathology lab result from my laparoscopy came in late to my doctor’s desk. Aku dapet telp dari suster hari sabtu jam 4 sore yang bilang kalo dr.Ivan mau ketemu lagi karena ada hal penting yang harus dibicarain ke aku berdasarkan hasil lab yang baru diterima.. doooeeeeng… argghhhh it was saturday evening!! i was about to have dinner with my friends and not sure i can wait till monday to know what it was. Jadi lah kirim sms ke dr.Ivan..

me: “dok, ada yang serius ya dengan hasil lab aku?”
dr: “bukan kanker, tapi ada hal yang penting mesti dibahas”
ahhhh.. lega.. tapi masih tetep penasaran..
me: “dok, bukan bad news kan.. plis plis dok not another bad news, i don’t think i can still handle another one”
dr: “promise u not. cu on monday”
see… seperti biasa.. pak dokter ku yang satu ini selalu bisa meyakinkan ku kalau semuanya baik-baik aja.. tapi tetep, weekend terlewati dengan perasaan nggak enak banget.

It was finally monday. I came in to my doc’s room. He greeted me with full of smile as usual. He started to explain things and i could see that he’s trying to choose his words carefully. I can understand every single explanation that he gave, but to be honest i just wanted to jump to the end of the story and hear that he can fix whatever problem he found on my pathology lab result. While i was trying to sink in the explanations he gave, i suddenly heard he mentioned the word that i don’t want to hear..Cancer… I was about to burst, but then just in time he said “lucky we found it very early, so that we can fix it”. Then i hold my self and tried hard to pay attention on my doctor’s explanation about how he’s planning to treat this.

The pathology lab result shows that i have Hyperplasia Complex. Berdasarkan penjelasan dr.Ivan, ini adalah penebalan dinding rahim dimana sel-sel yang membentuk penebalan tersebut dikategorikan “tidak normal”. Kalau tidak di treat dengan benar, ada kemungkinan 5% akan menjadi kanker endometrium. Di beberapa sumber (based on google search), ada juga yang menyebut keadaan Hyperplasia sebagai precancer. Hmmm.. amat sangat menyeramkan.. untung aja decide buat laparoskopi dan dengan inisiatif dr ivan mengambil contoh sel dari dinding rahim buat dikirim ke pathology. Kalo nggak, by this time i wouldn’t know that i’m carying the so called precancer cells.  Penyebab Hyperplasia untuk masalah aku obviously PCO. yes!! PCO to blame!!! karena PCO, mens jadi nggak teratur, dan dinding rahim yang seharusnya luruh secara teratur malah stay on dan bertumbuh menjadi sel-sel jahat.

Plan nya, dr.Ivan pengen meluruhkan extra dinding rahim agar sel-sel jahat itu hilang dan dinding rahim menjadi lebih tipis. Aku dikasih obat Provera 10Mg yang diminum 3 kali sehari selama 3 bulan. Setelah 3 bulan, dr.Ivan mau endometrium biopsy buat ngambil sample sel lagi dan diperiksain lagi ke lab untuk melihat apakah masih ada sel jahat. I finally agreed with his plan and has now started on Provera for about a week sambil banyak2 makan buah dan multivitamin dan juga berdoa semoga aku cepat-cepat terbebas dari si sel-sel jahat ini dan bisa melanjutkan baby project segera..

There i thought my free-medication-life had started…but apparently not..
yeap.. it ain’t over yet, baby!!!